FUAN-Families United Action Network and ACS-Affordable Cleaning Services are blessed to have partnered with each other for the second year in a row walking in the U of IA Homecoming Parade in Iowa City on October 19th, 2018.
The two organizations partnered together last year winning the “Best of Community” award with the theme, “Creating Legends.” Check out last year’s parade post.
This year’s theme was: “From Kinnick to the Kids.” The FUAN Family and the ACS Team sculpted their version of the Hawkeye family to go along with the legendary Herky the Hawkeye.

Kinnick Stadium is an important landmark of the Iowa City community and the “Hawkeye Nation.” FUAN and ACS created their own version of Niles Kinnick the man and his sacrifices for this country. Niles would have been 100 years old this year and continues to be a pillar of community values and the Original “Ironman!” (See: http://btn.com/2018/11/14/the-wisdom-of-iowas-original-ironman-btn-livebig/)

To complete the cheering section, Hawkeye family members “Kirk Ferentz and Hayden Fry’ were displayed with the help of ACS’s own “Cleanest Man In Town,” Chris Swiser. Our group waved as they passed through the street while bubbles drifted over the crowd.
The entire group paused to pay tribute to the kids and our families with The Wave and the lyrics “We salute you” coming from speakers playing AC/DC “For Those About To Rock.”

FUAN participants joined the team to walk in the parade as a show of support towards increasing awareness of Family Law Reform.

The parade crowd this year was enthusiastic, and the weather couldn’t have been better. We battled wind during assembling of the float, but once we reached downtown Iowa City, the wind died down.
Members of Affordable Cleaning Services and Families United Action Network joined together, passing out candy, Family Law Reform informational hand-outs, and greeting friends as they made their way along the crowd-lined streets.

It was a great opportunity to reach members of the community with FUAN’s message and increase our visibility.
The two teams bonding was an excellent experience for both FUAN participants and ACS staff.
The two groups share a common focus. Families United Action Network-FUAN is deeply entrenched and actively trying to improve Iowa communities by carrying out their mission statement.
To preserve and protect children and families through repairing and rebuilding current structures and organizations, to create a solid foundation for Iowa’s Families now and for the next generations. ~ FUAN MISSION STATEMENT

While ACS, a family-owned business, is dedicated to making life easier for families too. ACS’s approach is to “clean up the community” by ensuring the quality and environment of indoor life is healthier and more comfortable for their clients and employees. ACS is in their seventh year of providing commercial and residential cleaning services to the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids areas.
We’re happy to say our efforts won a prize again this year. We achieved third place in ‘Best of Community’ category. The award is a very encouraging testament to both organizations’ work.
It is always more fun when we win the game, but especially at homecoming. It is fun to see the Hawks play as well as they did in their 23–0 win against Maryland.
It is always an honor to serve the community… as a business and as families together. The work these two organizations have done is undoubtedly “creating legends.”
This post was originally published on FUAN’s Website on November 28, 2018. Click Here to see the post at FamiliesUnite.org