It’s Midnight. Our fingers trembled as we hovered over the mouse and pushed the button to launch our new ACS website, Stay Clean My Friends.
We’ve been working hard on this project for a long time. The main reason for the site is to make it easier for you, our clients and potential customers, to discover the services Affordable Cleaning Services offers to make life easier for you. Many of our clients tell us our services help them find time to pursue more important things than deep cleaning their kitchen is.
Some of you have mentioned keeping your home in tip-top shape is like a second job. It takes time away from people, friends and family, who you want to spend time with. House cleaning takes time away from the things you’d rather be doing. If ACS cleans your home, imagine what you could do with the time…
Our New ACS Website, Stay Clean My Friends is also designed to make it easy to contact us from any device. On a mobile device, it’s almost like using an app.
Touch our phone number (on most smartphones and tablets) and you phone app should open up with our number ready to call.
There are contact forms on most pages so you can email us right from the page. You get a confirmation right on the page when you email has been sent.
We hope you like the changes we’re making for you. We happen to think they’re pretty darn cool (but hey, we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far).
If there is anything you’ve seen that we could add, let us know and we’ll consider it.
We do want to know if having a way to schedule and pay for your cleaning online would be helpful for you. Please contact us to let us know if you believe you would use a service like that.